Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thrill Ciptaan Hidup

1. Dia saudara saya. Pupu.
2. Dia bilang sama saya, "Buatlah thrill dalam hidup.'
3. Hasutan mendalam membawa kepada kecerahan hari-hari.
4. Saya terpengaruh.
5. Daya persuasi saudara saya itu kuat pula.
6. Lebih kuat dari iklan TM yang ramai pelakon Melayu muda-mudinya macam kerasukan dalam konsert (tapi saya pun tidak faham apa yang cuba dipersuasi oleh iklan TM ni).
7. Entahlah mungkin ada juga pelakon India dan Cina. Biarlah diorang histeria dalam nyanyi-nyanyian.
8. Pesona persuasi saudara saya itu letaknya pada intipati hasutannya saja pun.
9. Untuk saya ciptakan thrill dalam hidup.
10. Hidup di dunia hanya sekali.
11. Tiada apa-apa saya hilang mencipta thrill itu!!!!
12. Apalagi 'Nike, Just Do It lalalala...'
13. Oh ya Rabb Tuhan Penuh sifat kasih sayang. Suluhi jalan saya. Biar pupus kelamnya.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Kucing Survivor

Kucing-kucing putih saya. Pertama kalinya saya ada kucing putih. Bermata biru. Terdahulu, hitam warnanya. Tiger namanya. Dia sudah hilang. Saya mengandaikan sudah mati pun. Kalaulah saya jumpa badanmu Tiger, mesti saya kubur penuh hormat sama macam kucing-kucing terdahulu.

Kucing-kucing putih ini mamanya oren bernama Jinggo. Bapanya yang putih. Putih dan badan penuh kurap. Entah macam mana Jinggo boleh jatuh cinta sama bapa kucing itu. Ah, barangkali bukan soal cinta. Kucing kurap memaksakan. Biarlah.

Ini semua cerita lama. Kucing-kucing ini tiada di rumah sudah. Anak kucing 1 namanya Neko bagi sama Fitri. Anak kucing 2 namanya Angel hadiahkan pada Soji. Yang bongsu Neno bagi sama Arif Papa Cat. Jinggo terpaksa dibuang di asrama SMK Mat Salleh. Dia suka makan ayam di rumah bah. Terpaksa. Tapi dia kucing survivor. Sangat pandai tangkap dan makan tikus juga ular. Dia selamat di mana-mana macam saya. Ya. Macam saya. Aisehman.

Selamat Tahun Baru.
Terus-terusan survive.
Tidak tahu apa-apa cabaran lagi.

Sesekali jangan makan tikus dan ular.
Tapi jadi macam kucing bertindak-tindak.
Mitos pun cakap kucing ada 9 nyawa.
Dia memang kental.

Saya faham apa yang saya bebel.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nasi Yang Tidak Habis Menangis

1. Her eyes are beautiful. My friend. I would always be mesmerized by them. We had the chance to lunch together.

2.She said as she put down her spoon and all, "If I eat.... never will I fail to finish the food. No leftover on the plate. LICIN..." we both looked at her plate. Indeed except for the gravy. "That's why I could never succumb to diet and lose weight."

2. I didn't make any comment as she drank her lemon tea through the straw. I knew there was more to come after that gulp. I was right...

3. She went on animatedly, that's one quality I love about her, animated. "A waste bah if it is not finish. Used to it. Upbringing. Mother always nagged since I was a kid the rice will cry if you do not eat it all. How I, as a kid so believed in that, I eat my rice, my food till nothing left. Finished."

4. She grinned and continued, "I bet all mothers said that. To educate their children never to waste food. Yours also..." and we bla bla bla black sheep... chatted away since it has been a long time we did not see each other.

5. She was true about my mother. Same way of educating children to finish their meal. Only, my mother did more than that - the oral part. Yeah, she did more than saying, "Nanti nasi nangis kalau tidak habis!"

6. Indirectly, she had educated me the value through the labour part too. In the action part.

7. The step by step process towards the harvesting of the precious golden skinned ripe paddy.

8. She brought her kids to work, labouring in our land, our paddy field. Planting our own rice.

9. Ever had the experience at hand? Not easy job. I guess when one experiences the thing itself, he/ she learns it best. All the embedded lesson within. Maybe not when he/ she is still very young. Or maybe yes. That is very possible if the kids are fast bloomers at heart. Or maybe later on when he/ she matures.

10. This experience is among the things that made me like my friend. No leftover on the plate.

11. Only that, I lose weight. Managed. With no food wasted. Wondrous thing.

Friday, December 25, 2009

action walks side by side with words = BINGO

1. Actions speak louder than words.

2. So I remain humbly quiet. Therefore, appeared like one who have no concern of things.

3. What's the use of talking too much with no action followed? Just talks and no action. Silly.

4. Well... I'm just a 'small' one here.

5. Bukan orang lama.

6. Orang baru.

7. Then, my action and my words are less significant... not just less... very very insignificant around here.

8. Or so I thought.

9. I... quiet.

10. Words will be louder if it's followed by actions. Better yet. Walk side by side. Like two great friends. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

11. Indeed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

sorban for a girl??

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban.

On youtube. I'm searching if the vid is there.

If yes, I hope it to be downloaded fast.

Waiting is... duh... sometimes killing!!!

But that, have I to do, since to get the DVD, the chance to go downtown, I don't have.

Just from the title, to know more about this movie I yearn greatly!!!

Especially about the woman in the title, "Perempuan Berkalung Sorban!".

Why... oh why is she depicted with a sorban?

Unusual it is since...

Sorban is mean for the opposite gender.

Watch the movie... must I then.

To have better perspective.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ontolou, Onton!!! Ontolou, Onton!!!

And the first saying is, "Of course one will be happy over the moon if one's firstborn is ontolou!"

And the other saying goes, "Hey you so great mom.... question, how was the feeling like your firstborn is onton? Does it reach over the moon?"

The great mom shares, "Over the moon, child... over the moon!!! It's funny to hear the first saying - Of course one will be happy over the moon if one's firstborn is ontolou! Not just funny but very, very, extremely funny. Ontolou or onton, one should just ride their joy over the moon!!"

And thank God. Too.

Thank the Good God the Giver!!!


Ontolou = boy

Onton = girl

These are Dusun words. They are not available in whatsoever dictionary!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I feel like...

1. Ever feel like kicking???

2. Butt?

3. Stone....

4. Whatever??

5. I'm feeling like...

6. Thanks a lot PMS....

7. just you ache there....

8. I'm kicking around now....

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Aku Tak Peduli Lelaki Atau Pompuan!!!!!!!!

1. "Aku tak maulah rasa pengetua perempuan."

kata seorang guru perempuan tempoh hari.

"Cerewet tu..."

2. "Banyak nanti bunga di sekolah kita ni!!!"

Sambung seorang guru lelaki.

"Habis kita kena suruh tanam!"

Disambut dengan gelak tawa guru lain yang turut lepak bersama.

3."Pengetua laki-laki yang best sepanjang saya mengajar. Cepat pantas buat keputusan!!! Pengetua perempuan... aduduiiii.... macam mama-mama!!!"

Lagi gamat ketawa guru.

4. Saya tidak ikut ketawa. Fikiran saya menjauh dari soal suka pengetua perempuan atau lelaki.

5. Sebenarnya, lepak kami itu berpusar pada banyak perkara. Entah macam mana sampai pada bab-bab pengetua dan jantina pengetua yang disukai.

6. Tidak saya katakan pada kumpulan lepak, "Yang penting bukan jantina pengetua. Bukan persoalan bos perempuan atau laki-laki. Tapi... pengetua itu tanpa mengira jantinanya mampukah dia membawa perubahan di sekolah? "

"Perubahan apa?"

"Perubahan kemajuan dari segi kemajuan sekolahlah..."


"Kurikulum juga maksudnya.."


"Budaya keilmuan sekolah..."

"Kebajikan anak buahnya... tidak akan dilupa murid-murid punya kebajikan lagi!!!"

7. Kenapa sibuk berkisah mengenai jantina???

Lelaki perempuan....

Aku tak pedulilah soal ini....

yang perlu ditengok prestasi rekodnya bekerja...

tolak tepi jantina!!!

Begitulah alam kerja sepatutnya.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Banyak Cerita VS Banyak Kerja

1. Lagi-lagi petang tadi saya habiskan masa di tanah. Luar rumah. Anak-anak lada putih sedang membesar. Pesat!!!! Subur tanah di US!!!

2. Kak Es datang menyapa. Erk... mungkin saya yang dahulu menyapa. Lupalah. Hidup bermasyarakat. Beginilah!!!

3. "Besar sudah anak lada?" lebih kurang ada basa-basinya begitu. "Subur?"

4. Saya balas turut ramah. Orang beramah patut dibalas ramah nan seorang peramah juga. Kan? "Ya kak besar sudah ni... tu nah paling besar!" sambil menuding si anak lada yang paling rimbun daunnya. Hati sejuk nyaman. Hasil tangan sendiri.

5. "Rajin...." meniti di bibir Kak Es. Mungkin satu pujian. Mungkin basa-basi hidup bermasyarakat. Begitulah. Hidup bermasyarakat.

6. Saya jawab. Nada ramah-ramah ala-ala Dusun. Kalau kamu faham maksud saya fahamlah kamu apa dimaksudkan ramah ala-la Dusun. Maklumlah memang orang Dusun, ramah pun adalah cara Dusun!! Itulah saya kadang-kadang. "Ya bah kak. Rajin. Di sini mesti cari aktiviti sendiri!!!" Saya bermaksud untuk mengatakan aktiviti sendiri itu yang saya usahakan adalah berkebun-kebun kecil-kecilan inilah. Ini yang termampu saya usahakan.

7. Saya sambung lagi, "Inilah aktiviti ekstra. Hehe..." "Yalah kan." senyum Kak Es.

8. "Mahu bercerita saja sama orang lain cerita bukan ada kak. Bolehlah kadang-kadanag dudu cerita. Tapi cerita ni kak pandai habis bah!!! Kerja tidak pandai habis. Ada saja!!!" Entah dari mana datang idea falsafah itu? Lancar saja keluar dari mulut saya.

9. Ada ruang saat membisu sebentar. "Yalah kan." Sudah berfikir itu dikata Kak Es.

10. Kami pun hidup bermasyarakat. Kak Es turut membantu membuang rumput yang mulai meliar di sekeliling lada. Bersaing sesama mereka. Mahu hidup di atas bumi Allah ini.

11. Sambil-sambil kami bercerita membuat kerja.

12. Kerja lebih banyak dari cerita.

13. Hidup begitu.

14. Mari fahami!!!

15. Tapi di US ni memang saya selalu berfikir aktiviti apa mahu dilaku. Kerja banyak mahu dilaku. Boleh dilaku.

16. Tumpukan pada pelajar.

17. Pengisian rohani untuk pelajar Muslim. Maghrib Isyak. Antara. Kerja banyak. Cerita akan tercipta. Yang baik-baik.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Masjid Makes MONEY!!!

1. All pink. Pink hijab. Pink blouse. Nope. Not pink jeans. Or else I'll be a pink panther which is... urghhh....

2. I was spending some time in Ranau masjid that one fine day. During Raya to be precise. The 5th day. Up from my head to waist... pink!!! Ok, ok... there's no link with pink and my entry.

3. I brought along my sister's DELL laptop. To the masjid. Supposed to have a meeting there! With Salwa, Mahani, and the rest of the company.

4.They came late. Very late. Being one who hate to wait and waited by I was so frustrated! Beard had start to grow on my chin!!! Horn on my head!!!! I felt like kicking and strangling someone!!!

5. Opened my laptop, I wanted to play games while waiting for the company.The so borng boring... get- me - bored easily games : Zuma, Solitaire... etc!!!

6. Suddenly, I thought of something.... "Isn't it darn great if there's a wireless connection here??? It would be heaven.... I could kill time... surfing for stuff... watch youtube.. "

7.Yeah... it would be awesome!!!! I thought seriously the idea that suddenly hit my head!!!!

8. It would be good for the masjid's image and greatness!!! Imagine wireless in the mosque... wouldn't that attract people regardless of age, race... perhaps religion? Come to the mosque to go online.... to do research. To collect stuff, information, blabla bla... of course it would not be free.. there should be some fee. So the money goes to the Mosque!!! Up to the mosque how to use it. Maybe for tarbiah activity done in the mosque. Outreach activity!! Whatever!!!

9.But how to forward this idea?

10. Who am I supposed to tell to get this idea executed?

11. Will it be accepted?

12. Oh... just how do I go about to forward this idea?

13. SUddenly an ustaz... from JAHEINS, Pejabat Daerah Ranau came approaching from nowhere!!

14. OK... to myself I said, "I'll start from him... maybe he knows the answer! Maybe he will listen!"

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Main thing on mind now.
Inviting many tasks at school.
Sheets of exercise and excell paper to be prepared for instance.
Once done, fly with a wide, wide, wide smile.
A graduate finally.
In black and white.
So pat me on the back!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Satu Segala Macam Refleksi

26/09/09 (Sabtu?)

'Semarak Islami Shahru Ramadhan'

Satu Segala Refleksi

Tidaklah Bermacam-macam pun macam dicanang tajuk

1. Syukur selesai.
2. Terima kasih ya Allah. Semua kerana Engkau.
3. Tidak lupa komitmen Ustaz, Ijah, Raman Syah the Great, pelajar SMK Ulu Sugut Boleh yang terlibat secara langsung. Cg. Jaafar, Cg. Sofian aka Umbu.
4. Pengetua tentu sekali, Cg. Jamirin.
5. Pelajar tidak langsung dilupakan.
6. Terima kasih, terima kasih.
7. Banyak yang saya pelajari dari program ini. Dari semua yang terlibat. Secara langusng. Tidak langsung. Nah siapa bilang belajar terpasung hanya pada satu cara?
8. Pertama, bagaimana berurusan dengan bos no. 1 saya.
9. Kedua, bagaimana berurusan dan bekerja dengan colleague.
10. Ketiga, bagaimana bekerja dan mengurus pelajar saya.
11. Keempat, sentiasa melunaskan hutang dengan Allah - dipermudahkan segala urusan, bak kata Rabiatul Adawiyah Lamsil (nah Abeq... aku seru namamu di alam maya), "Ingatlah Allah barulah dibalas dengan ingatan-Nya juga."
12. Kelima, yang terakhir setakat ini terfikir, melihat lubang-lubang program untuk diperbaiki bagi masa mendatang. Adalah tentu pasti ada. Tidak perlu diperturunkanlah. Rekod lain.
13. Ilham untuk menganjurkan program ini datang pada akhir minit.
14. 2 hari sebelum Ramadhan.
15. Waktu itu saya bercuti hujung minggu di rumah. Di Paka Dua.
16. Ilham baik yang datang dari Allah.
17. Selanjutnya mungkin saja pengaruh minat dari sekolah lagi mengadakan pengisian. Untuk sendiri. Orang lain. Semua.
18. Sedikit sebab supaya tidaklah saya lesu bosan kaku mengajar ala-ala formal di kelas saja. Alangkah boring!!!
19. Lihat dari sudut pandang pelajar, alangkah bosah kalau tiada pengisian tidak formal juga.
20. Setidak-tidaknya ada program seumpama, sebuah kenangan akan tercipta.
21. Satu masa bila toleh ke belakang. Putar semula pita otak, kenangan manis persekolahan dapat dicerita pada anak cucu. Gosip bersama tambalut memang sudah pastilah. Seronok itu!!! Aramaiiii ti.
22. Lagi saya percaya program seumpama mampu memacu pelajar untuk belajar. Belajar di kelas. Belajar di rumah. Di mana-mana.
23. Tidak lupa bersaing sesama sendiri. Walau kecil peringkatnya. Terbatas pada lingkup SMK Ulu Sugut sahaja. Logik juga dikata cubaan untuk ke arah menyediakan pelajar bersaing di peringkat tinggi - dengan pelajar sekolah lain di ranau.
24.Bak kata Jebat dan Bugi membawa arus budaya ilmu begitulah antara cara.
25.Bagaimana itu? Fikir.
26. Ramadhan telah pergi.
27. Sekarang Syawal. Salam Aidilfitri Salam Kemenangan semua sahabat dan taulan.
28. Musimnya berpuasa wajib akan tiba lagi.
29. Mudah-mudahan diberi kekuatan/ kesempatan selalu untuk memanfaatkannya.
30. Untuk diri sendiri.
31. Untuk semua.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Dia peduli,
Hidupnya untuk peduli,
Sampai kepalanya pusing-pusing sudah.
Kerana peduli,
Dia tidak peduli itu,
Dia peduli hanya pada
kasih pedulinya yang satu,
yang meroket-roket,
sampai Firdausi!!!

Kasih peduli
wangian Firdausi itu
dibawa ke Jahannam.
Buatan dia
yang tidak peduli.
Dia itu peduli apa pada yang peduli?
Dia pedulikan dirinya cuma.
Peduli yang baunya busuk,
merosak wangi
peduli Firdausi.

Dia yang peduli,
selalu peduli,
membingkis doa,
'rahmatilah peduliku ini Allah yang Maha Peduli'.

Tundukkan tidak peduli dia.
Ini doaku,
yang pedulinya,
pandai pupus,
datang semula,
tiada ketentuan.

Monday, September 21, 2009

-Bersepah-sepah Tahi-

Berak macam orang buta
Tahi bersepah-sepah
Jauh dari lubang sasar
Macam orang buta?

Marahlah orang buta
diibarat begini rupa.
Orang buta lagilah berak
Masuk tepat sasaran
Macam si bintang lucah Sniper Edison Chen!!!
Walhal si buta tidak nampak apa.
Alahai kesian si kacak bintang Sniper!!!

Tahinya bersepah-sepah
Orangnya tidak pakai otak
Tahunya membuang saja
sampailah zero perut,
Biar busuk keluar merata-rata
Macam kambing kampong berak di jalanan.

Otaknya mereng, memang mereng!!!
Kalah engkau hai si Condong Pisa!!!
Lebih baik ranap terus!!!
Orang lain tiadalah susah!!!

biarlah dia membusuk 6 kaki di bawah sana
bertanding dengan tahinya yang lagi busuk!!

Tapi kuasa siapalah?
Mahu menghukum gilotin di leher orang...
Samalah bagai memandai menentu syurga milik siapa
DIA saja yang BOLEH!!!

(Cetusan ilham melihat tahi bersepah merata-rata di mana-manalah!!!)

- Koleksi bodoh-bodoh -

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Still in US. Tomorrow would be going back home. Saturday is the first fasting day!! Ahlan-ahlan ya Ramadhan.

I am browsing the net now, to be precise
the heading I'm ready to be caned, says beer-drinking model.... really got my attention. So clicked on it I did. Full story was as followed:

Kuala Lumpur: A Muslim model sentenced to six strokes of the cane for drinking beer said she is willing to receive the punishment after the Sharia High Court in Pahang on Tuesday issued a warrant for her arrest.

She would be the first woman in Malaysia to be caned under Islamic law, her lawyer said Wednesday.

Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno, 32, was sentenced to a caning and a fine of RM5,000 last month after she pleaded guilty to drinking alcohol at a hotel nightclub in Pahang last year.

The Malaysian mother of two, who lives in Singapore, said:

"I received a message from my dad yesterday. So I came back to Perak (from Singapore). I accept the punishment. I am not afraid because I was ready to be punished from Day One. They (authorities) hope to use my case as a way to educate the Muslims. So go ahead. I want to move on with my life.

"I am not worried at all nor do I want to avoid the punishment because I accept the punishment."

Kartika's lawyer, Mohamad Zuki Che Muhamad Ghani, said his client would be jailed on August 24 for one week before the caning.

"The warrant of arrest was issued to facilitate the caning," he said.

"She has to be jailed first and undergo health check-up to determine whether she is fit to be caned. She will be the first woman in the country to be caned under the religious laws," Mohamad added.

Kartika's father, Shukarno Mutalib, said that the family accepted the court's decision. "We are not feeling sad. We are Muslims and I agree she has to be caned. She has already pleaded guilty. We will follow the rules," Shukarno said.

Mohamad said Kartika had lived in Singapore for 15 years after marrying a citizen of the city state.

Malaysia, which has large Chinese and Indian minorities, has a dual-tracked legal system. Sharia courts can try Muslims for religious offences.

I said... heck wasn't this the woman who appeared in NTV7 morning talkshow like 3 weeks ago? With the ex-TV3 celebrity as the host? Alongside her, her father too was in the show!!!

Hmmm... Malaysia can people already under the sharia law?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mata-mata Berahi! AWAS!!

1. Benci juga rasa bila line wireless ni sot!!! Mau baca berita online tidak dapat. Mau upload dari youtube, semua harapan punah. Punah!!! Wireless US tolonglah.... tolonglah dapat!!

2. Saya berharap sangatlah surat khabar ada di sini!!! Mau baca online, berjanggut saya menunggu selalunya dengan rasa hampa!!!

3. Kasihan di US ni surat khabar tiada dilanggan!!!! Will have to do something about it!!! Propose it to Mr. No. 1 in school. Pity the students.... mungkin banyak yang mahu membacanya tapi sumber tiada!!! Alangkah-alangkah.... (SIGH)

4. Kali terakhir pos saya... saya cerita banyak benda yang mengesankan diri saya di US. Dan konon saya akan muat turun gambar di US. (Alah gambar tu lain kali lah....)

5. Salah satu yang mengesankan saya yang no. 3 itulah. Di sini tiada surat khabar. Maksud saya pusat sumbernya tiada surat khabar. Alangkah.....

6. (Sigh)... satu yang lebih-lebih mengesankan. Air untuk mandi tidak mencukupi untuk pelajar di sini. (Baca: AIR TIDAK MENCUKUPI UNTUK MANDI!!!) Adui.... alangkah!!! Jadi mandi macam mana pelajar ni???? Nasiblah ada sungai Sugut yang lebarlah juga!!!! Dan indah satu hal lain!!!

7. 'Pelajar asrama mandi di sungai' bukan benda baru sebenarnya bagi saya. Dari bestie saya DYNNA saya tahu di SMK Matupang juga pelajarnya mandi di sungai. Tapi 'tahu' sahaja tidak pernah 'menyaksikan dengan mata kepala sendiri' secara live suatu perkara pengalaman yang berbeda.

8. Jadi di US, dapatlah saya secara live menyaksikan!!!! Sungguh sebuah pengalaman!!! Dan otak saya tiada segan silu (buat apa malu-malu babi?) memikirkan beberapa benda.

9. Saya berfikir semasa melihat sendiri pelajar-pelajar ini mandi-manda di sungai.... betapa bahaya itu tiada bau. Dia boleh datang tanpa amaran.

10. Maksud? Eih macam-macamlah saya terfikir.

11. Seperti, budak boleh hanyut lemas di sungai!!!! OK... barangkali boleh bah orang lain cakap, "Relax bah kau Jon... terrer bah budak-budak itu berenang!!! Yalah.. membesar di sini kan. Suasana kampung." Mungkin... WHATEV!!!

11. Lain-lain saya juga dirangsang oleh cakap guru lain, "Tercemar bah mungkin air sungai itu. Ladang kelapa sawit di atas sana. Entah apa-apalah kena dump masuk sungai. Racun perosak kali!!! Nanti tinggal kenanganlah tu sungai tu!! Bye-bye gaman udang, ikan besar....." Saya terbayang fikir sesuatu yang berkaitan pelajar yang mandi di sana. Alalala.... kalau macam tu, kesannya ada jugakla pada kulit pelajar yang mandi!!!!

12. Jadi air yang kami guna untuk masak itupun dari sungai juga!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! SOS!!!!!!!

13. Tapi ini adalah benda yang paling mencucuk-cucuk fikir saya... pelajar perempuan mandi berkemban ala-ala Sofea Jane entah dalam muvi apa ntah di sungai. Saya merasa risau untuk mereka.

14. Untuk membayangkan saya masih dalam alam sekolah menengah dan mandi begitu terbuka... kadang-kadang orang kampung lalu-lalang. Saya naik RISAU!!!! Risau kalau-kalau ada mata-mata berahi di mana-mana!!! Yang takut-takut tergiur. Tersimpang. Menyerang??? Imaginasi liarkah???

15. Malang tiada baunya!!!! Wangi lagilah tarak!!!! Melampaukah saya berfikir sampai begitu sekali??? Tiada siapa boleh mengagak bah benda-benda buruk ni!!! Minta dijauhkan sahajalah.

16. Perbualan dengan Cikgu Janri lagi.... kami sama-sama sependapat, "Kasihan pelajar itu. Peergi balik mandi petang-petang itu sudah 1 km (500m pergi, 500m juga balik). Sudah makan masa banyak. Berpeluh pun sudah!!! Saya bilang sama kakak saya, "Patut pun sini pelajar fit-fit!!! Cukup aktiviti fizikal!!! Tidak payah bersenam... pergi balik sungai sudah cukup!!!

17. Pada saya, masalah tiada air dibekalkan secara cukup ni mengesankan. Ini kemudahan fizikal asas yang pihak berkuasa patut sediakan. Di mana-mana. Masalah masalah nagara..... kesayanganku!!!!

18. Kalaulah ada anak orang yang kunun 'somebody' di sini mahukah mereka membiarkan anak perawan mereka atau saudara perempuan mereka mandi begitu? Bila sudah malang datang membusuk barukah tindakan A.S.A.P. akan diambil??? Aduiiii.... tapi, ceh... impossible la anak 'somebody' mo sikul sini!!!

19. Bah... mau saya upload gambar untuk ditatap mata-mata berahi???? Ala-ala Sofea Jane mandi dalam muvi ntah apa!!!! Better yet come to US and experience it before your eyes and biar diri mu terkesan!!!! Just 2 hours to 2.5 hours drive from Ranau town. But berseia untuk menempuhi 11 jambatan dan jalan tiada tar dan berbatu-batu!!! Bontotmu bisa sengal-sengal tanpa perlu pekena goyang Inul yang....

20. AWAS... malang tiada bau!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hatiku di US....

1. US nama glamour diberi ramai guru-guru SMK Ulu Sugud Ranau pada sekolah pertama saya diposting ni.

2. "Sejak balik dari US malar batuk saya!!!" Saya cuba-cuba seloroh dengan kawan.

3. "Aik... kau pegi US meh?" sms kawan saya.

4. "SMK Ulu Sugud bebeh!!!" saya balas balik. "Hantu kau.... wrtsjslpfnmf..." kena saya!!! Aduh tidak sakit!!!

5. Sampai sekarang saya masih sakit. Batuk-batuk. Demam tiadalah pula. Selesma sikit-sikit.

6. Maaflah kawan-kawan... Ada saya ambil gambar di US. Banyak. Cuma connection wireless lidut buat saya malas mengupload!!!

7. Tapi sememangnya, the nature in US memang best. Kalau saja saya professional snap gambar ala-ala erm... Aizat boleh saya pinjam namamu?? Bah peminat nature... jemput datang ke US...

8. OKla til connection mengizinkan, sekarang saya masih batuk-batuk..... uhuk-uhuk... H1N1 minta dijauhkan!!! Amen!!!

9. Hatiku kuat di US.... banyak yang mengesankan di hati di US ni. Nantilah cerita... uhuk-uhukkksss.... ubat mana obat!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


1. Ya saya sudah tau sekolah tempat saya mengajar. SMK Ulu Sugud Ranau. Dalam daerah kesayangan saya sendiri. Tapi... saya pun tidak pernah sampai ke sana.

2.Sehinggalah... hari ini. Tujuan: melapor diri. Mama, makcik dan abang yang hantar.

3. Sekolah tu sebenarnya jauh!!! 2 - 2.5 jam perjalanan dari rumah saya. Jalan raya NADA tar. Line henpon tidak kira DIGI yang gah dengan orang belon kuningnya, CELCOM atau MAXIS semua tarak. Dan tadi, merah saya merasakan panasnya tempat itu ala-ala Shah Alam erk silap.. Shah Alam lagilah HOT! Dalam hati saya separuh meraung, "Kenapa Ewan yang dapat SMK Kundasang yang sejuk semulajadi?" Sob sob sob.

4. Penolong kanan yang peramah dan banyak betul kata-kata perangsang lahir dari mulut menyambut cakap saya ("Buat apa jadi cikgu kalau tidak 'mahu' datang di pedalaman?"), "Itu yang saya mau dengar!!" Saya rasa mahu tepuk dahi. Dalam hati berkata, "Bersemangat juga aku ni!!"

5. Kakak saya juga mengajar di sekolah ini. Kami bakal tinggal bersama. Ewan cakap, "Baguslah ko ada kawan juga." Ya syukur.

6. Dalam kepala sekarang berulang-ulang, "Buat apa jadi cikgu kalau tidak 'mahu' datang di pedalaman?". Bagus jangan jadi cikgulah kalau tidak mau datang. Ya sebelum posting lagi, sudah saya bersedia kalau-kalau diposting jauh jauh nun jauh. Tapi sebenarnya tempat saya posting ini sudah cukup baik daripada dihantar ke pulau yang jalan pengangkutannya lagi-lagilah penuh mencabar debar.

7. Semasa perjalanan ke sekolah, dari dalam Ford saya ternampak banyak babi hitam sekeluarga riang gumbira aman berjalan-jalan di kampung. Berbaris berbondong-bondong tertib si anak-anak kecil di belakang ibu yang tambun.

8. Perjalanan pulang dari sekolah saya (ya rasmi sudah SMK Ulu Sugud Ranau sekolahku), pemandangan babi riang gumbira aman berjalan-jalan di kampung saya kecapi lagi.

9. Khayal saya, saya mesti buat macam babi tu. Relax steady saja. Ada manusia pun tidak takut. Jangan jadi babi betul sudahlah.

10. Ahad ni datang semula ke sekolah, saya mesti bawa my Miss Cammie ke SMK Ulu Sugud. Babi hitam yang penuh inspirasi itu harus saya klik gambarnya dan diupload ke blog!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Lama sudah berlalu kursus Biro Tatanegara (BTN) yang saya ikut. Sebenarnya saya mahu menulis sesuatu yang saya tidak suka semasa BTN. Malas menghambat, alihnya sekarang baru menulis.

Keseluruhannya, saya suka BTN tu. I have no harsh judgment whatsoever about BTN. Despite of the so many reviews about it that I heard and read, I refused to be affected. Afterall, it would not do any justice given the fact that I never undergo BTN. OK actually I had once. BTN mahasiswa. But I was so detached from it (I slept a lot during talks) that I hardly know what it was all about I had nothing to realy reflect on except "OMG... I dozed off again!".

One of the remarks about BTN that I got came from my friend who openly admitted his political ideology is 'pro pembangkang' was, "Ceh satu lagi alat politik kerajaan BN. Bolehlah orang-orang BTN tu tolong mengukuhkan kedudukan politik kerajaan sedia ada!"

Saya jawab padanya, "Bah alang-alang bah takkan dorang mau buat cincai-cincai tu dasar. Mesti dorang mahu buat dasar yang menguntungkan dorang secara politik! Kan?"

"Uina... ko berhujah untuk BN??" balas kawan saya.

"Nolah baboon!!!" Kawan saya tu kadang-kadang sangat jahat. Dia memang suka menyerang kawan-kawan dia.

"Yes you did!!!" He insisted with a smirk. Seriously I felt like attacking him with a slap across his so animated face. Why did he has to do it all time?

"You know I did not. I was drawing the bigger picture here OK. Whoever is in reign in the political arena of a nation, then they really have the advantage to strengthen their position at all time!!! Nah kalau non-gomen sekarang yang mempunyai kuasa politik negara, dorang pun bah begitu!!! How? Buat dasar-dasar tertentu!!!"

"OK... don't be emotional." another attack!! "I know you are a good drawer. You know what, one dasar yang boleh merugikan kuasa politik kerajaan BN ialah PPSMI... blablablabla...."

Bagi saya, ada betulnya remark kawan saya itu mengenai BTN. Dan apa yang saya cakap selepas remark dia yang sinis menyimpulkan remark dia tu.

Apa-apa pun spekulasi yang berkaitan dengan soal politik ada pada BTN ni biarlah. Saya ketepikan. Sebab saya lebih melihat nilai patriotik yang cuba disampaikan oleh tenaga kursus BTN yang saya hadir. Aspek inilah yang saya suka!! Sangat suka!!! Saya menjadi lebih patriotik juga.

Tapi ada juga yang saya sangat-sangat tidak suka berlaku semasa BTN. Sesuatu yang keluar dari individu yang menggerakkan kursus itu. Mungkin dia ignorant bah perihal yang dia perkatakan. Tapi... what the heck...

Individu itu telah berkata begini sewaktu sessinya sedang berjalan, "Sabah masuk Malaysia pada sekian sekian sekian..."

Huh!!! Sabah masuk Malaysia??? Saya meradang. Sabah masuk Malaysia? Hohoho... adakah dia ni buat studi sebelum cakap? Sabah tidak masuk Malaysia. Sabah bersama Sarawak dan Tanah Melayu bergabung untuk membentuk Malaysia! Mana ada Malaysia sebelum 3 entiti ini bergabung secara murni atas hasil usaha pemimpin-pemimpin kita dahulu. So, to say sabah masuk Malysia was absurd!!!
Sabah masuk Malaysia? Lawak betul orang ni.

Bukanlah saya emosi (erk emosi juga lah, haha), tapi benda yang nampak macam kecil begini bagi sesetengah orang Malaysia yang peka sejarah (cewah, kunun sya ni pekalah!!:P) boleh menyentak sensitiviti.

janganlah cakap sabah masuk Malaysia lagi.... apalagi bagi orang-orang yang handle kursus macam BTN ni. Mahu memupuk perpaduan dan kebaikan, tapi kalau cakap benda yang berlawan dengan fakta boleh menyebabkan marah orang-orang tertentu. Kalau ada marah macam mana mau berpadu? Erk ada kaitan kah ni?? Mungkin ada dalam contoh yang bercakap itu rakan Malaysia yang berasal dari Semenanjung Malaysia. Boleh marah orang Sabah. Mungkin orang sabah akan fikir, "Aikkk... tidak belajar sejarah pembentukan Malaysia kah dia ni? Ohoooo.... dia anggap Sabah ni apa?? benci aku orang semenanjung ni"

Mungkin sahajalah...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


1. Saya suka gambar ni. Bergambar ramai-ramai hari terakhir BTN di daerah kesayangan saya Ranau. Dapat dari Yan. Yan dapat dari Aedy. Lihat muka-muka kami. Hensem, cantik, ceria.... kan?

2. Dan, lihatlah juga bah warna baju kami. Terang jelas 'HITAM PUTIH'.

3. Dulu-dulu kalau tulis karangan, saya sangat suka meggunakan 'hitam puith' sebagai kata adjektif bagi kenangan atau nostalgia. Contoh: 'Hitam putih kenangan bagaikan tayangan filem lama menerjah ke benakku'.

4. Tapi... untuk kenangan bersama-sama semua kawan-kawan Cohort II saya tidak mahu gunakan adjektif ini!!!!

5. Kerna kawan-kawan... nostalgia bersama kamu warnanya akan selalu berwarna-warni, segar... terang sentiasa!!!

6. Kawan-kawan semua... ucapan selamat saya berikan untuk transisi kita semua ke alam pekerjaan. Mudah-mudahan semua dipermudahkan Tuhan dalam dunia baru itu. Dan mudah-mudahan jalinan persahabatan kita akan selalu utuh!!!

7. Kenangan kita bersama biar warnanya selalu terang macam wajah-wajah ceria kita dalam gambar di atas.

8. Sayang kamu semua!!! Muah.... dan maafkan salah silap saya ya sama kamu!!! (^_^)

9. Manalah tahu masa saya menghilai tahi telinga kamu cair dan kamu geram gila sama saya. :P

Friday, June 5, 2009


1. Kawan-kawan tanya... "Bah bila kau kawinn?'

2. Macam-macam ada jawapan saya bagi.

3. Bergantunglah sama jantina yang bertanya, betapa rapatnya/ mesra/ tahap bergurau senda diorang dengan saya ni.

4. Antara jawapan saya kan, "Saya tunggu kau.... (sengaja berhenti sekejap) kahwin dulu!" Ini nakal.

"Relax bah palan-palan!" Ni jawapan kebosanan dengan soalan.

"Ai... kita sama-sama kahwin lah!" Ni bernakal-nakal juga.

"Aish muda lagi bah! Enjoy dulu." Reaksi bodoh-bodoh.

"Mau kumpul duit dulu. Ingat lelaki punya tanggungjawab saja keluar duit? Sama saja dengan perempuan. Kesian lelaki kalau kepau duit dia saja. Yalah mau beli katil, tilam, baju pengantin... bla bla bla... We need bucks!!" Bolehlah dianggap serius ni.

"Bah marilah bah kita kahwin jum!" Gila.

Jawapan yang saya paling suka, "Tunggu jak kad kahwin dari saya arrr! Time tulah tu saya kahwin... tarikh dalam tu kad!" Memang menjawab soalan ni!!

5. Sekarang cuti sekolah. Ramai yang mengadakan walimah urus. Classmate TESL sy ada 5 orang saudara-saudara mereka yang berkahwin.

6. Bekas ahli bilik saya d SMK (A) Ranau juga mendirikan rumahtangga hari ini. Sayang saya tidak dapat hadir.

7. Selamat mendirikan rumahtangga semua. ESpecially you Rinawati Yusah!! (^_^)

8. Di usia ini tidak dinafikan peranan dan tanggungjawab lagi perkara-perkara yang difikirkan banyak sungguh perubahan dan penambahan.

9. Saya sendiri banyak perencanaan di dalam otak mahu buat nanti.

10. Kahwin bila? Saya pun suka tanya kawan-kawan soalan ini. Perkara kahwin ni nampaknya salah satu perkara yang singgah-singgah di fikiran juga. Macam saya juga ramai kawan bagi jawapan lebih kurang sama dengan jawapan saya di atas.

11. Apa-apapun tunggu, sabar... steady!!!! Kahwin ni penting tapi jangan terlalu dipentingkan sangat kalau ada perkara penting belum selesai. Seperti apa? Duit (Kestabilan ekonomi)... calon... masih diusahakan. Nah berapa orang fikir seperti saya?

12. Rinawati Yusah my dear friend... selamat mendirikan rumahtangga!! Berakhirnya status lama... bermulanya status baru, tanggungjawab baru. Saya doakan kebahagiaan sentiasa menyelubungi. (^_^)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


few more days left before KISSM starts!!!
Kursus cikgu2!!! in maktab...
2 weeks... phew.. that's long...
i am left with no choice...
but to go...

Or else...
tidak boleh jadi cikgu wooo...
all those 6 years of my TESL study will go down in the drain!!!
wait till betul2 sudah jadi cikgu...
bet there will be many course to attend too!!!!
better get use to it now or never...
call it part of professional development!!!
lifelong one!!!

my kitten 'Puith' keeps on peeing and pooing in front of my brother's room.
I have to clean the mess over and over...

I still have not start my guitar lesson yet!!!
there are so many other things delaying me so..

my teeth needs a new filling...
Oh God Oh Help another visit to the dentist!!!

Now how many sigh already I've made??

Sigh... sigh... sigh...
just one of the things I do best...
sighing sighing I always find myself doing, I damn make sure I do the follow up action needed!!!

I've been reading Lee Su Kim's book 'a Nyonya in Texas'....

came across with her remark saying

'EATING - one of the things that we Malaysian do best....'

hehe... I guess yeah indeed it is!!!
it sure does apply to me!!!
not a bad thing at all as long as what is eaten is all good stuff!!!

Here I go sighing again!!!
My beties' mother said i'm getting bigger..
uh oh... i guess i've been eating a lot these days... and no exercise at all...
sob, sob...

How I never go out exercise since I got home in Ranau like 3 weeks ago...

Now I hope how:
'EXERCISING - one of the things I will do best too... consistently i hope...'
walk side by side with two of the things I do best in my life - SIGHING & EATING...

just pic showing me at the thing I do best (GRIN)

and as Lee Su Kim wrote in her book 'A Nyonya in Texas' - Malaysians do best!!! A must read ni!!!

Crispus said jangan lupa Malaysians juga suka KEPOH!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mansau-ansau Part II

Fancy soaking your feet in cool refreshing water??? Friendly fishes swim around your feet... unafraid... pecking on and rubbing against your skin... some gently some roughly.... mostly the feeling... ticklish!!!

On Monday this week I went mansau-ansau to Kg. Luanti, in Ranau of course. Less than 10 minutes drive from my house. Went there coz my mother got a special intensive scheme from Jabatan Perikanan. 10 000 anak-anak ikan she would be getting!!! Majlis perasmian intensif anak-anak ikan untuk pengusaha kolam ikan air tawar dibuat di kampung ini.

And such a cool experience as described above I had there!!! having my feet in the clear steer unpolluted river, I could see fishes dancing and dancing and dancing gracefully around me!!!

Actually back in the good old high school days, I had mansau-ansau here thrice. School activity. BBQ, camping, mandi-manda di sungai hooray-hooray.... outdoor thingy...

Those days this place was not as beautiful, as well cared and conserved as it is today!!!

What a transformation it has now. Long ago, lalang-lalang tinggi merajai padang kampung ini. Sungainya ditagal tapi ikan-ikan tidak kenampakan seperti sekarang.

But now.... Subhanallah.. this place is smashing!!! It is very, very well cared now. And the result??? Kg. Luanti must have gained such profit from this project. Projek ikan sungai tagal turn to be Ranau tourist destination. Brilliant!!! Bravo Kg. Luanti!!!

A rather irritating, infuriating thing took place when my sis, aunt and me lepak2 with the tourist guide there.

A guy who happened to be the chauffeur to the Deputy Minister for Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Makanan who came to the village to launch the special scheme, threw his unfinished cigarette on the ground, in front of our eyes. In front of everyone in the scene. Still burning and smoking there it laid on the ground - oh I so hate such manner!!! The guide who lepak2 with us took the cigarette - matikan baranya - and threw it in its right place - the dustbin.

Harap2 lelaki pemandu itu bakal mempunyai kesedaran sivik masa mendatang!!! Sungguh tiada adab gayanya!!!

If you are coming to Ranau, put Kg. Luanti on top of the list to be visited!!! Not expensive to get admission. Orang Ranau only RM3, other district I think RM3 also... tourist RM15!!!

And you can choose packages such as bathing in the river and get the fishes peck you, feed the fish and have your hand being sucked at while feeding them, and others I forgot already!! All at different rate but worth it!!!Oh and yeah the guide claimed that being pecked and sucked by the fish while bathing in the river has health benefits such as 'buang angin' from the body!!!

Overall for me the visit was great. Mainly because we got free admission to the place. Thanx abang and pakcik guard.. ponsikou togumu kio!!! Huahuahua.. Mansau-ansau kita!!!! Enjoy the nature... Littering don't ever do it anywehere anytime...

message from mother nature!!!!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yeah jobless but not searching for job. But I want work to do. So, today I mansau-ansau around my village. My Mp3 sang out loud 'hey mansau-ansau oku.. au katama muli!!!!' i don't know who the Kadus singer was... one thing for sure the song is my all time kadus song fav!!! i grew up with it...

I didn't mansau-ansau for no apparent reason!!! I went to Arip's house. He wasn't home. So I talked only to his mom and his adopted brother. I badly wanted this one type of lemon grass!!! Serai wangi the name in Bahasa. To have it planted at the back of our house. And yahooo managed to get it I did!!!

I gave Arip one of my 3 white kittens last year in December. Neno his name is. He's big alreay!!! And cuter!!!!

The whole household loves him early. ARip's adopted bro said Neno sleeps with him at night!!!

Oh, Neno I'm just glad kau menjadi kesayangan semua di rumah barumu!!!

I walked home from Arip's place.... I couldn't resist taking this goat's picture taking a rest under a shady tree in my uncle's yard!!! She was like the longest living goat in my kampung!!! Been here since I was in primary school!!!!

I just love mansau-ansau like this!!!!

I hope the lemon grass will grow fast, many...

bolehlah mandi air serai wangi!!!

terus mansau-ansau lagi...

Crawling, Walking, Running!!!

My friend cute Yan the first Cohort II to go blogging had this tag as her status in Yahoo Messenger - 'Jobless, but not looking (hunting) for job!'

Yeah that goes the same with me cute Yan... (^_^)

Job as a teacher is waiting for me (us)...

In fact I cannot wait till that very day comes this July for me to be posted... to be officially called a teacher.... (Just where the school will be? I'm so like the CAT nowadays. Curious!!! Curious... curious.... meow, meowww!!!)

(clearing my throat) Miss Askidah Tahir (drop the 'r', don't plz)...

Miss Kide'.

Wow awesome. Call me Miss Kide'!!!

Feel cool!!!

More cool is the fact that at this stage I would be moving into the next stage of life.

Level where one is heading toward financially independent state.

Working life that is!!!

Milking for money!!!!

Lately.... most conversations I had with my friends revolved around work - our new responsibilty - upon hitting that phase - working life konon!!! Boring? Hell no bah!!!

Moving toward financially independent.

Cool konon.

Not dependng on parents to provide for one anymore!!!!

My friend Gupier remarked a very good thing about this phase, "tanggungjawab kita lagi-lagi berubah sudah saat-saat ini. kita yang kena memberi pada mama bapa kita sudah sepatutnya!" (of course I changed a bit her ayat... but the isi is there!! hehe).

True indeed Gupier.

Jobless but not hunting for job!!!

That may apply for me and cute cute Yan.

For some....


They are hunting, searching.

Hard for some.

For all my friends who are in search...

I pray that Allah Almighty will ease it for you guys!!!

PS: Life is synonymous to crawl - walk - run!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Darling Which One Are You?

Which one are you?
Better at talking?

Or maybe you are just something else
Yet to be mentioned.

You great at keeping mum?
Outside of the ring.

So darling
Just which one are you?

It was a good day hanging out with Ateq drinking Milo Ping!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Cemburu aku cemburu....

bukan suatu sifat terpuji....

mesti dielakkan...

melainkan yang dicemburui itu benda yang elok-elok molek sahaja...

oleh sebab benda ini elok-elok molek sahaja....

wajar aku cemburu...cemburu....

my bestie Nurul very energetic mama... you ignited the 'good' feeling first by sending me the e-mail "kide... pesta buku april ni jan jeles!!!!"

ya untuk kawan2 yang duduk KL.... KEHELkanlah kaki korang pergilah kepesta buku itu!!!!

besar harapan aku ni sebenarnya dapat membeli satu lagi buku baru Faisal Tehrani yang wow botak sudah kepala dia... baru tadi aku cubuk di blog dialah... mana lagi...


ketupat cinta...

yang gila-gila aku selalu tidak pernah rindu untuk baca setiap Selasa akhbar harian Metro di UiTM Shah Alam dulu-dulu!!!!

Bah gaman kamurang di KL.... pergi aramaiti di sana PWTC kio!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ada Segalanya

Nikmatinya sungguh-sungguh.

Di sana
Ada segala damai...
Aman, selesa...
Mengisi hati.

Apa guna
Jika hujungnya
Di hati
Tiada hadirnya
Segala rasa?


Siapa tahu
ada segala di sana.

Friday, April 3, 2009

NILAM Bah... saya mau oh!!!

adik saya menang NILAM.
Terbanglah dia bulan ni ke Tanah Melayu.
Bertanding peringkat nasional pula.
Doa saya dia akan menang lagi-lagi.
Bukan saya seorang berdoa.
Kakak-kakak dia.
Abang-abang dia.
Mama tentu-tentu sekali!!!

Ooooh Jebat terbang percuma lagi kau kali ni, kan???
Mudah-mudahan kembara ilmu yang akan datang tidak lama lagi ni akan beri pulangan paling berkesan!!!
Macam selalu-selalu!!!

(^_^)... Peluk saya...
eh saya peluk kau macam selalu arrr sebelum kau terbang!!!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


"Ko pi pki gincu org ka sampai bibir ko berkurap?? Mama cakap sebab ko kuat ketawa bah tu! Ko kasi ketawa orang kan...."

sms i got from my sis this afternoon. during lunch.

erk... gincu orang? no way!!! ok yeah i did sometimes. but this 'kurap' around my mouth was not cause of lipstick!!! but i swear after this i will never use other's lipstick nymore!!!

kuat ketawa?? kasi ketawa orang?? aduina... mak.. apa kaitan??? hehehe...

the real reason as far as i could recall... i've been eating lots of eggs before suddenly uninvited the itchiness attacked my lips... only lips... not 'kurap' bah... just allergic!!!

i thought it was only temporary so buat derk sajalah!!! afterall the itchiness was tolerable... so i did not ambil pusing sangat....

then came the worst part... i went out to KK strolled around town with my brother. we bought keropok double decker perisa udang.... i ate a lot!!! not long after, the skin around my mouth turn red... and goodness gracious ITCHY beyond description!!!! i have to hold back tendency to rub out of fear i might hurt my skin!!!

i never had this happened to me before. doctor stanley said yesterday is not the same as today!!! aiyoooo.... you might be allergic to some food now even if you did not before!!!

wanted to snapped a pic of the allergic to post here but thought better of it... no need lah... it looked ugly looking at it from near!!!

oh... what can i say... go go away itchy-itchy!!!!

(sigh) am still suffering!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


a friend asked me. "kide sapa politician yang ko minat oh?"

i answered her.


seriously actually...

laki-laki tiada yang hensem!!!!

perempuan suma basar mulut!!!

kalah mulut basar saya.

kalau saya lesbo kena bagi juta-juta ringgit mo minat dorang pun saya ndak mau!!!

no seriously...

i did answered her seriously. after a change of laughter between us. tears on our eyes.


at least this applies to me.





ideally i hope these whoever politicians know well why they are there.

like me i have the big fat list why i am in the teaching line.

they need to be shaked sometimes. like, "hello what are you guys doing? gomen and oppo!! we haven't seen much changes."

not so interested in politic actually but have to have some views and ambil tahu!!!

a cup of hot honey green tea is more appealing than politicians who don't know what are expected of them from the people who vote them... ok talk about vote... i need to go to the registrar...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

V.V.I.P. That's me

1. oh che det's blog thanx yazri link i got from you... the former PM wrote in this style... numbering everythg he wants to convey... is kind of OK

2. just got back from Nurul energetic Momma's blog... I just knew she wants to apply for dpli

3. she justified her reasons of joining the force

4. believe me... not only to friends you will have to tell the reasons

5. prepare to convince the interviewer darling

6. every semester... as i could recall, first day of class, we were always asked by the lecturers why... why you are in this course??? at one moment i was so sick of the question... i just give reason that as i look back now... tak payah cerita lah

7. not till toward the end of my studies did i refleceted thorougly the true significant of the question

8. surely it has a great impact for one's (teacher) proessional self development... i mean if i know why i am in this job... the reason i become a teacher... it will aid me to go through any pitfall of the job

9. i have many reasons actually....

10. one is... now after almost 6 years... i figure out i really want to be that VVIP!!!! moulding the younger generation to be desirable people... help them learn...

11. ya...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Never a day
ever passed
Without this emotion
So beautiful,
Crowned in my heart,
Carved for you.
Just you.

Friday, February 27, 2009

So I was Born in JUNE

I stole this from my fwen azri's blog... i juz kind of like it... so i took it... many of the description fit!!!! bold is the original, the itallic come from me...

JUNE people:
Thinks far with vision.

can beat Dr. M yes!!!

Easily influenced by kindness.
Hati terusik???

Polite and soft-spoken.
woah.... yeah and the next door lecturer comes and knock softly asking the class to shhhhhhhh

Having lots of ideas.

thank god i'm still sane



Active mind.

hopefully it will during forum on 6th march amen

Hesitating, tends to delay.
proof? my AE is still stuck at...

Choosy and always wants the best.
Shoot me at the head....


Funny and humorous.
yeah.... friends say so

Loves to joke.
friends fay so... yalah kali

Good debating skills.
not as great as jebat & bugiey




Knows how to make friends.
you don't want enemy


Able to show character.
but canpeople read?

Easily hurt.
and it is really hurting me

Prone to getting colds.
strange it's true!!!

Loves to dress up.
why who don't??? wish i have more bucks!!!

Easily bored.

yeah but not to the extent of an irritating perfectionist

Seldom shows emotions.

Takes time to recover when hurt.
short time if it's temper

Brand conscious.
i don't care if it's made in Golok... you don't have much choice if u don't hv the money... huhuhuhu... for now

kichik said i am

oooooohhhhhh..... surely

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I've Been Tag Yeah

OK I'm a NKOTB... New Kid On The Blog!!! My sister leave me a comment P/s I tag you... so i went like hey what's the animal is that?

Rupanya... it is this... 6 random things spill I have to.

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules in you blog.√
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.√
4. Tag 6 people to your post and link to them.√
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.√

So here go the 6 things:
1. I'm praying for someone now... really pray he'll made the interview!!!
2. I really really want to eat Burger King now with my sister Ijah!!!
3. I want to learn how to swim and then take diving license... hopefully with Abeq!!!
4. How I hope to collect all of my Faisal Tehrani's book with Kak Rozet by end of this month. I miss 'em!! (SIGH)
5. I hope I am cool during driving class coz my teacher Mr. Raju said he was soooo afraid to ride with me. How bad was I sir??? Lagi mau tanya.... duh.. (GRIN)
6. SLIMWORLD I want to enrol in you!!!! I don't want Herbal Life like Momoy or Syaz or ZZ want it... I want SLIMWORLD... (GRIN)...

Bah I have to nominate 6 people, so I nominate
1. Yantoxxx
2. Momoy
3. Bugiey Bugz
4. Shima
5. Andie Mujie
6. SYaz do you have a blog???? since mdm. Jenny Pang ask us to do....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Broke up. End of the great love story. The cut deep deep, bleeding. Yet invisible. Mark forever. Long time to get better. Some unheal. It's a sad thing yes.

I must admit I don't have enough credibility to talk much about love, broken heart, putus cinta in Bahasa Melayu, all those romance-stuff-related. Coz' I never really experience such things. Ask my friend Aden, he understand me well in this matter.
My peek into that world is through friends. Sharing with me their bits of the stuff. Second source would be observation. Standing outside of the ring, looking, seeing, feeling, learning from what I witness. The last channel definitely is through reading bookworm that I am as Arman said. Yeah I have a bunch of friends who call their friends names.
I could conclude this:-
Broke up.
End of the great love story.
The cut deep, bleeding. Yet invisible.
Mark forever.
Long time to get better.
Some people get bitter.
Some unheal.
So fix it!!!
You don't want to be sick all the time.
It is especially sad for me to listen to bits from friends who broke up with their special one who also happen to be in my circle of friends too. (Some of these exes are my friends though the first are on higher par than the latter).I got irritated to hear repeated stories all over again like there are no other stories. Like some people are Astro Channels. Once story-telling is the most cool. Friends want to share. To let out the bad aura in their grief-stricken heart. Twice is still OK. Thrice and so on and so on added with bits of badmouthing their exes is so not cool and OK. Can sniff something wrong in such situation.
Just what the heck is it for? For me it is like drawing a bad, bad picture about their exes. Painting a hideous colour for them. Like they are real bad, bad dog/ bitch. OK maybe they are. Thing is all of it make me deliberately think you are trying to make me stand in the same league with you. To be so against your exes just like you? We are friends, friends should stick togeteher I know, but your exes are also friends. To get things straight I made my view and stand cut and explicitly clear that the problem should only be between the two. Not me against their exes. Their exes are also my friends even though they are on the higher par.
It just that in life you can't afford to make enemy. What more if the problem got nothind to do with you. I so agree with Riz and Masnah when they said, "The past between two exes especially the hideous part should remain between the two!"
Masnah also agree with me, "By telling the story sure they spill their exes' weaknessess, the bad side. So we could see who the victim are. Who are in guilt. But actually they also reveal their own weaknesses."
And I couldn't agree more!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I went to 1 Borneo yesterday. Last week just got the allowance scholarship. Had long planned to switch to another facial product. Bought new product to test yesterday. Hopefully could kiss bye-bye the glowing sunshine on my detereorating skin (SIGH). Great 'Body Shop' packed their product mainly using paper. Less use of plastic the so non degradable material. In some way I viewed it as a marketting strategy to attract customers who are into 'GREEN' to look at them in a positive light.

Done with my business in The Body Shop - i straight headed to Harris - the newly opened bookstore in 1 Borneo. Only planned to kill time by flipping over some of the books' title and pages from rack to rack. Actually so dying inside to buy 2 books by an Afghan author - i - forgot his name. But I registred very well his very first book's title - The Kite Runner. Nonetheless I'm afraid my budget was already tight this month. What more after purchasing the Body Shop products. (Hopefully it will do wonder to my skin prob. High Hope!!!) Got to wait till next allowance is bank in then.

The last rack i lingered at, my eyes caught Frank McCourt's book. I took it and flipped over several pages.I found myself hooked up reciting

Your mother's love is a blessing,

No matter where you go,

Keep her while you have her,

You'll miss her when she's gone.

well written in the Irish-American teacher's book. Splendid and beautiful. Made me pondered on how much so far my dedication of appreciation towards my mom!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Ironic Preacher

I learnt long ago never to let myself be surprised hearing that people who preach adamantly do just the things they are so against of in their preaching. Ironic isn't it - preaching against things but doing them? Life afterall is full of IRONY!!! Always prepare well for it then.

I'm actually trigger to write this after gossipping oooh!!! and ahhhh!!! with a bestie (baby your name i should make confidential)! We both know this one friend who talks about good deeds and bad. About sin and pahala. You should/ shouldn't do this and that. Heaven and hell, religion stuff and all. Get the picture I hope. It's good to have friend like this yeah.

Nonetheless it turns out that the preacher is not applying things preached... bla, bla, bla, bla...

Oooh yesss... we human are so capable of flaws (if one wants to say alah biasalah tu manusia bah!). So based on this also I'm now so incapable of avoiding myself from turning into deaf ears - switching off completely whenever the person goes on bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.... even politely tell the preacher so what I think. That's the best part!!!

And so there's an Arab proverb unzur ma kola wala tanzur man kola (look upon what is said, don't look at the person). Oh dear God... some things are not as easy as eating pancakes!!!

It's hard actually to take in what the ironic preacher bla, bla, bla, bla now knowing the ironic side.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

deeper conversation

have this conversation before we - masnah & me - fall deep into beautiful slumber. one can say it as gossipping too!!! gossip that fruits us good sharing of talk and discussion though. no harm done and no merit gained!!! hell i don't want to go to... so better be selective with what i am gossipping about.
one of our friends is now attempting to lost weight. ok i phrase it in other words... our friend is now embarking in a dare to lose thingy!!! parents said, "No one will fall for you nanti!"
i actually giggled at the saying "No one will fall for you nanti!"
oh... what a way to reason people to lose inches... what a classic way to persuade others... i had to agree though that it could be a strong motivation for one to shed kilos!!!! afterall... we are living in a world where we are excessively bombarded by the idea that small, slim... super skinny (yuck and that's so gory looking) is beauuu - oooo - ti - ful sexy attracting others like magnet. much much appetizing x-faxtor to shooo away the fat!!! so if you could be that many 'S'... one will fall for you... eh... not one.. many kut!!! kut!!!
but for me... losing kilos.... get trim and all shape... eh no, no , no... 'put it in my style... stay fit & healthy... dare to lose thingy' , the most effective motivation for me is...
i don't want to die cause by illnesses derived by fatness!!! dying cause by diseases related to being off the ideal body mass index - e.g. heart problem, diabetes, high cholestrol, etc. for me it shows that i am irresponsible towards myself (for example me myself if i suffer that illnesses). such things if pre-cautions are done well could definitely be prevented. if things still turn out bad after all of the efforts than that would be different!!! seriously everyone should be taking care of our body, food we take, our activity and exercise. be responsible towards our well being. and yeah i simply believe that God told us to be just so - responsible to our well being!!! i simply apply this. and alhamdulillah it's working for me. i am shrinking well. (hehehe) and i feel good having this x-factor behind my attempt!!!!
moral of the story one should have a very solid x-factor to shed all of those excess kg!!!
i hope my friend itu will succeed in the dare!!! hopefully when the effort shows great gain the parents could happily say, "nah... many fall for you already."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


i smsed my bestie Masnah last night. asking if she would be free this Wednesday. hopeful that we could catch a movie together. i had INKHEART in mind. but she'll not be free. nevermind i said, maybe some other time. date with you in coffee beans or starbucks some time when you are free ok masnah, said i.

it's better if we don't go to starbuck la kide. israel's brand. coffee bean la!!! a reply from her.

masnah will it really make a different if we boycott starbuck?

imagine millions of malaysian do not buy their product they the zionist will not get their royalty paid!!! we can't give hands for our brothers & sisters in Palestine... this is the least we could do. sure it will make a different!!!

right... let's boycott the zionist's product!!! this make me think... if i go watch the movie... does any royalty is paid to he zionist? i mean is the production behind the movie the belongs to them? if yes sure they will get!!!

bagus beli cetak rompak lah after this!!! hahaha...

Saturday, January 31, 2009


now if we claim we love nature... we love the earth... we will not ever ever litter... everywhere... anywhere, anytime.

owh it maddens me so much to see people litter!!!

anywhere not just in big city like Kota Kinabalu the Otai Gomen should strictly implement the law that people who litter will get FINE. (i don't see it happen in my hometown). owh better if such people get all of these penalties:

  1. FINE in the form of RM
  2. lock them up in the cell
  3. get them do cleaning job

all 3 of them!!!

actually we don't have to claim we love nature or the earth for us not to litter!!! i think if we love ourselves that's enough for us to be aware that we shouldn't litter. that's what i think. i mean think of it this simple way, litttering cause pollution. pollution will definitely harm our health. we love ourselves too much we absolutely don't wanna get ourselves harm.

but i guess to get people to be responsible to the mother nature, to stop littering which only lead to pollution can also be in many forms of steps!!! education is one thing...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Juta-juta Rasa

Titis-titis hujan,
Gugur mengucup-ngucup bumi,
Ku lihat ke luar,
Hitam putih kenangan datang-mendatangi.
Ria juta-juta menyerbu ke kalbu.
Ke luar rumah ku gegas,
Bagai kala anak-anak,
Tanpa sepatu
Menari-nari bersama sang hujan,
Bermesraan dengan manjanya becak tanah.
Ku dongak bersua langit,
Mata dikatup kejap-kejap,
Wajah dielus terus
memanik hujan
kian halus kini.
Oh alangkah...
nikmat Tuhan
menjemput juta-juta rasa
tidak akan

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shake the Bellydance Baby!!!

It has been a long time since I last strolled and strolled in any shopping mall. So when I got the chance last Saturday before Ranau here I come - balik kampung, I so grabbed it. It was not that I was overly excited about the whole thing. It just that I had long wanted to find this one particular CD. And I felt that KK price is far cheaper than Ranau. The whole matter is about being economical.

the cd shop in 1 Borneo no Surau ni sad shopping mall

The CD fall under this category:

ahah alas found.... here...

Abeq my bestie my 'Dare to Lose' bestie who is now far away in Tawau for her pracical actually had promised to lend me her CD but I couldn't wait till February. Better buy it myself. Add my 'Dare to Lose' CD collection. Well this is only my third. :P
Cost me only RM9.90!!! Now I could CD-teach myself the sexxxyyy dance. Phewww... but I still want Abeq to personally coach me. Oh yes.. she definitely could do the dance!!! RRRRR.... Abeq don't you break my heart by breaking your promise arrrr!!! RRRRR...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rindu Juta-juta Pada...

I unpacked all of my junks from Zeth's rental house. should have done it earlier... last year lagi patut but too damned lazy to do. this rice cooker

was among the thing I found. My very first rice cooker. A present from my late father. He bought it for me so I could cook throughout my practicum in SMK Lok Yuk. I rented in Zeth's house. Cut some budget by doing my own cooking.
Seeing the rice cooker brought back all of the memories. I was flooded with rindu juta-juta sama gemulah bapa saya.
I whispered my silent prayer for my beloved father.
"Tuhan yang maha penyayang maha pengampun maha mendengar doa hambaNya... cucuri rahmat ke atas roh bapa saya. Sayangi beliau. Jauhkan siksa yang tidak tertanggungkan. Tempatkan beliau di kalangan orang beriman."

last pic with my father

Selagi jasad bernyawa rindu juta-juta ini tidak akan ada akhirnya. Rindu juta-juta ini bersandar pada kenangan terus subur dizahirkan pada kiriman doa-doa. Mudah-mudahan Allah menerimanya.