Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nasi Yang Tidak Habis Menangis

1. Her eyes are beautiful. My friend. I would always be mesmerized by them. We had the chance to lunch together.

2.She said as she put down her spoon and all, "If I eat.... never will I fail to finish the food. No leftover on the plate. LICIN..." we both looked at her plate. Indeed except for the gravy. "That's why I could never succumb to diet and lose weight."

2. I didn't make any comment as she drank her lemon tea through the straw. I knew there was more to come after that gulp. I was right...

3. She went on animatedly, that's one quality I love about her, animated. "A waste bah if it is not finish. Used to it. Upbringing. Mother always nagged since I was a kid the rice will cry if you do not eat it all. How I, as a kid so believed in that, I eat my rice, my food till nothing left. Finished."

4. She grinned and continued, "I bet all mothers said that. To educate their children never to waste food. Yours also..." and we bla bla bla black sheep... chatted away since it has been a long time we did not see each other.

5. She was true about my mother. Same way of educating children to finish their meal. Only, my mother did more than that - the oral part. Yeah, she did more than saying, "Nanti nasi nangis kalau tidak habis!"

6. Indirectly, she had educated me the value through the labour part too. In the action part.

7. The step by step process towards the harvesting of the precious golden skinned ripe paddy.

8. She brought her kids to work, labouring in our land, our paddy field. Planting our own rice.

9. Ever had the experience at hand? Not easy job. I guess when one experiences the thing itself, he/ she learns it best. All the embedded lesson within. Maybe not when he/ she is still very young. Or maybe yes. That is very possible if the kids are fast bloomers at heart. Or maybe later on when he/ she matures.

10. This experience is among the things that made me like my friend. No leftover on the plate.

11. Only that, I lose weight. Managed. With no food wasted. Wondrous thing.


  1. yeah...myb i also know about that thing but some times i also waste all the food if i fail to clean it...myb we can give 2 cat...that good solution....

  2. hehe..the best solution..ada org ckp bela kucing bawa berkat... bukan psl apa2 pn. psl ada kucing kat umah tdk ada pembaziranlah maksudnya... bagi kucing makan baki makanan!!! tapi kalau kucing pemilih... adeh... pain in the head tu!!! hehe... kurang pembaziran makan equal to less global warming one people said to me once!!!!!
