Saturday, January 31, 2009


now if we claim we love nature... we love the earth... we will not ever ever litter... everywhere... anywhere, anytime.

owh it maddens me so much to see people litter!!!

anywhere not just in big city like Kota Kinabalu the Otai Gomen should strictly implement the law that people who litter will get FINE. (i don't see it happen in my hometown). owh better if such people get all of these penalties:

  1. FINE in the form of RM
  2. lock them up in the cell
  3. get them do cleaning job

all 3 of them!!!

actually we don't have to claim we love nature or the earth for us not to litter!!! i think if we love ourselves that's enough for us to be aware that we shouldn't litter. that's what i think. i mean think of it this simple way, litttering cause pollution. pollution will definitely harm our health. we love ourselves too much we absolutely don't wanna get ourselves harm.

but i guess to get people to be responsible to the mother nature, to stop littering which only lead to pollution can also be in many forms of steps!!! education is one thing...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Juta-juta Rasa

Titis-titis hujan,
Gugur mengucup-ngucup bumi,
Ku lihat ke luar,
Hitam putih kenangan datang-mendatangi.
Ria juta-juta menyerbu ke kalbu.
Ke luar rumah ku gegas,
Bagai kala anak-anak,
Tanpa sepatu
Menari-nari bersama sang hujan,
Bermesraan dengan manjanya becak tanah.
Ku dongak bersua langit,
Mata dikatup kejap-kejap,
Wajah dielus terus
memanik hujan
kian halus kini.
Oh alangkah...
nikmat Tuhan
menjemput juta-juta rasa
tidak akan

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shake the Bellydance Baby!!!

It has been a long time since I last strolled and strolled in any shopping mall. So when I got the chance last Saturday before Ranau here I come - balik kampung, I so grabbed it. It was not that I was overly excited about the whole thing. It just that I had long wanted to find this one particular CD. And I felt that KK price is far cheaper than Ranau. The whole matter is about being economical.

the cd shop in 1 Borneo no Surau ni sad shopping mall

The CD fall under this category:

ahah alas found.... here...

Abeq my bestie my 'Dare to Lose' bestie who is now far away in Tawau for her pracical actually had promised to lend me her CD but I couldn't wait till February. Better buy it myself. Add my 'Dare to Lose' CD collection. Well this is only my third. :P
Cost me only RM9.90!!! Now I could CD-teach myself the sexxxyyy dance. Phewww... but I still want Abeq to personally coach me. Oh yes.. she definitely could do the dance!!! RRRRR.... Abeq don't you break my heart by breaking your promise arrrr!!! RRRRR...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rindu Juta-juta Pada...

I unpacked all of my junks from Zeth's rental house. should have done it earlier... last year lagi patut but too damned lazy to do. this rice cooker

was among the thing I found. My very first rice cooker. A present from my late father. He bought it for me so I could cook throughout my practicum in SMK Lok Yuk. I rented in Zeth's house. Cut some budget by doing my own cooking.
Seeing the rice cooker brought back all of the memories. I was flooded with rindu juta-juta sama gemulah bapa saya.
I whispered my silent prayer for my beloved father.
"Tuhan yang maha penyayang maha pengampun maha mendengar doa hambaNya... cucuri rahmat ke atas roh bapa saya. Sayangi beliau. Jauhkan siksa yang tidak tertanggungkan. Tempatkan beliau di kalangan orang beriman."

last pic with my father

Selagi jasad bernyawa rindu juta-juta ini tidak akan ada akhirnya. Rindu juta-juta ini bersandar pada kenangan terus subur dizahirkan pada kiriman doa-doa. Mudah-mudahan Allah menerimanya.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

E.X.P.O.S.E.D.: NAKED???? NAY!!!

As said by Yan and Syaz.... go ahead just photoblog it!!! It's your blog bah!!! Can say anything can post anything... can anything anything anything.... well... sure not semberonoh lah. Siapa mahu upload gambar bogel??? Welll.... some do in their blog.

Not some porn pics.... the ladies in Gaya pics. But these pics do not really display the same scene I viewed the other day. Not as worse as what I had seen before. Or Yan had seen - well she saw tahi manusia!!!! Ntah sapalah tu tidak pandai flush!!! Talk about attitude!!!

See the tissue?? The bowl is sparkling clean... but the tissue left spoiled the look!!

Sotlah tisu bekas lap.... you know what!!!

See the orange water inside the poo hole??? Wah.. who want to tuang najis atas najis alien!!!

Yeah macam-macam tisu

Fuiyooo... tisu bekas lap you know what+ kencing = semerbak

The fact that such attitude really trouble others infuriated me!!! I mean there you are in the ladies you want to pee you want to get the tahi keluar but then such attitude leaving other things than their footsteps made you feel yuck yuck yuck to go in and get done with your business!!! Entahlah... For me this is attitude problem!!! The ibu-ibu cleaner had done their part cleaning but the trainee.... (SIGH).


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

T.E.R.A.P. aka T.A.R.A.P.


Buah terap slang Sabahnya tarap
Manis rasanya mimang sadap;
Dimakan begitu saja alangkah sadap,
Dibuat kuih lagi-lagikan asadap.
Pantun bukan pemantun

Kalaulah adik saya Jebat baca pantun ini mungkin dia akan mengejek, "Eih... buruk juga ni pantun ni!" Dan mungkin saya akan balas tidaklah lancang pun, "Ah... shut up your big mouth!" Mungkin.

Entah kenapa saya tergerak mahu memasukkan entri pasal buah eksotik Sabah ini. Oh sebab tiada cerita lain sudah. Haha... Bukan apa-apa pun. Hari tu mansau-ansau sekitar kedai-kedai Indah Permai, singgah di tempat berjaja sayuran dan buahan di sebelah KFC. Mahu membeli buah kesukaan, betik ranum buat pelawas sembelit!!!

Ditakdirkan mata tertangkap alahai si buah tarap nan sebiji. "AIkkkk... masih pula ada tara!!! Musim sudah habis pun di Ranau." Tiada niat mahu membeli terus saya bertanya saja, "Makcik... makcik... berapalah harga itu tarap?" Makcik menjawab dengan suara perlahan saja... cuma hujungnya saya dengar, "Lima puluh sen." "Hah... berapa? 50 sen saja kah makcik?" Murahnya... wahh, saya mau beli mau beli!!! Hati betul-betul menyanyi merdu padahal tadi setakat mahu bertanya langsung bukan membeli.

"Eh, bukanlah. ENAM RINGGIT LIMA PULUH SEN sayang!" Oh Tuhan. My jaw dropped. "Atok-atok mahal oh makcik!!!" Tanpa malu-malu babi dengan kerutan juta-juta di dahi saya mengomen. Terus makcik taukeh pun berjela-jela memberitahu... "tarap itu bukan dari KK tapi diimport dari Kota Belud. Kos pengangkutan.. lagi-lagi bukan musim tarap. Kalaupun musim paaaaling murah RM2.50. Oklah makcik. Saya faham. Wah talk about te price of tarap. Di Ranau kalau musim, saya makan tidak payah bayar oh. Kalaupun mahu membeli di pasar saya boleh negosiasi sampai harganya jadi RM0.50.

Inflasi letaknya sungguh-sungguh pada semua barang sekarang. Terima kasih kenaikan harga minyak dulu-dulu. Hujungnya saya cuma membeli betik jingga kesukaan. Gembiranya dapat diskaun RM0.50. Oh makcik ponsikou kio!!! Mudah-mudahan bisnes makcik terus maju dan maju maju jaya. Pas ni bukan berniaga di siring jalan KFC lagi. AMEN!! Bagi lagi saya diskaun.

Di bawah old snippet taken by my sister Bugi last year in November. Masa itu musim tarap berlambak-lambak di Ranau. Dan buah tarap ini Uncle Bontoyon yang tolong jolokkan. Dari dusun arwah bapa. Hasil arwah bapa berbakti pada tanah dapatlah terus merasa buah eksotik ini.

Dulu-dulu sewaktu kecik berhingus lagi, saya selalu mendengar cerita kononnya bagi orang semenanjung tarap ni hanya makanan monyet. Tapi tidak lah tu. Oh... tarap ni satu famili dengan cempedak dan nangka. Macam nangka juga boleh dibuat gulai lemak. Sedap juga dicampur sup ayam kampung. Belum pernah saya terbaca info khasiat tarap. Apapun dia memang sedap!!!

Oh... tarap yang masih muda sadap dibuat sayur!!! Persis memakan sayur nangka!!! Sadap dibuat gulai lemak atau dibuat hidangan sup + ayam kampung!!! Cubalah kalau tidak pernah ya!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

T.E.R.I.M.A. K.A.S.I.H.

Terima Kasih Tuhan
I thank God for the many splendid things in my life... yes I do... and yes I do forget to thank Him for the many splendid things in my life too sometimes!!! I'm just human. With uncountable flaws. But try to be a better person I do too.

Well, all of my batch TESL Cohort 2 were strictly not allow to stay in the hostel this semester. Of course I was devastated to get the news!!! Together with Has, we've planned to be roomate this sem. We wonderfully talk how fun it will be... especially when it goes to watching her English series collection. But yeah the dream was shattered into many broken jars. Sob sob.

Ceritanya LUCKY ME... there is place I still could go after I got the news - like 3 weeks before. My sis' house. F.O.C. No RM70 deduction. 24hours wireless connection. What else??? No worry about transportation coz I car pool with my sis. Unlike some of my friends. They have to went through many troubles. Search for rental house. Budgeting things!!!! ETC... don't mention about diorang pergi merayu minta tinggal hostel. Sungguh tidak berperikemanusiaan orang-orang atasan itu. Dan alasan juga tidak konkrit!!!

I got a phone call from Salina yesterday. She was like expressing her worry that their batch will also face the same thing!!!! And now they are like trying to book the seniors' rental house so they won't have to go through the hassle of searching for one. Yeah... they might face the same thing. Thanx to the superior people who are so not professional of handling such matter. They should take the subject we do this semester - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Hmmm....angin sampaikan mesej ini pada mereka. Duh like they even care for such argument!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

S.T.U.P.I.D. P.L.A.I.N. I.D.I.O.T.S!!!

I got emergency call!!! No... no.. my Sesame Street ringing tone didn't ring. The emergency call was not signify by any of my cells. Yes... my love Batu 3310 didn't shriek out her beautiful voice bah, OK!!! This emergency call was toneless. Well, thank God it cooperated so obediently to be in silent mode this time... at this mom... during class... Mr. Georgie's class. Well... not that I am like Yan bah juga!!!

I had.. really had to dash out from the class. The toxic really needed to be flushed out of my system. Thank God the ladies was just above our class. Just few staircases. It felt like walking on the stairway to heaven, oh!!!

I opened the first nearest door to heaven. OMG!!! Stink.... and tissues swam inside the toilet bowl. Not heaven at all. Second door... S*** this is hell!!! The scene was really distasteful. A knot of tension and infuriation started to form within me. Third door and so on.... same yucky view... tissues, the yellow urine, the bad odour.... how I felt like smacking someone hard on the face sampai gigi dia berterabur keluar!!!

Just who were the I.D.I.O.T.S. who committed all of these sins??? M.O.R.O.N.S.!!! I am hot... of course I am hot with R.A.G.E. I couldn't believe it - well I have to believe... teachers - to - be didn't have the sense to clean up their S.H.I.T. after they've done with their business, investment, whatever name they have!!! Here in GAYA!!! Well i guess these type of morons are everywhere. How stupid and how sad. Someday they will ask the students to keep the school's toilet clean. Ironically, they don't know how!!!

Now, I had to walk farther which made me feel even madder, tak guna. Smuggled myself into the lecturer/ staff washroom somewhere. Hopefully di sana saya tidak perlu kencing atau berak di atas najis sesiapa yang B.E.B.A.L. macam....
P/S: I should done some photo blogging actually for this post... nay... geli mau tunggu di jamban lama-lama!!! Nanti Pn. Salmah marah kalau dia nampak.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Kami di UiTM Main Campus Dataran Dah Lupa Nama

Yan as in the pic with me aka Hajah (since she wore her jubah made in the holy city of Mecca - I tell you) surely rocks!!! I guess she is the first to embark into the world of blogging in our class. Blogging - I'm not referring to friendster blogging of course!!! Cool cool Yan!!! Hopefully one of her asset wil not go kembang-kempis upon reading 'Cool, cool Yan!!!' Hehehehe... just kidding kio Yan!!!

This is testing... testing power... my first post (though the blog is not erm... that fined tune yet)!!! As my blogger friend Khairunnie my dearest junior back in high school said in her blog Shouting To the world!!! Am I shouting to the world?? Erm... I don't know... testing power done!!!!