Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fashionable Murder

I am so into watching documentaries nowadays. This interest grew ever since I watched 'The Arrival'. There are so many in the list-to-watch.

1. Earthlings and,
2. Food Inc.

to name a couple!!

'Fashionable Murder' for the title of this post is the 16th part of Phase 3 made by the same producer who made 'The Arrival'. Almost done watching Phase 3 now!!

Everyone can watch it on youtube!!! Of course not F.O.C. If you know what I mean... you will pay for the electricity and broadband charge. If you are not on pama anymore!

Watching 'Fashionable Murder' made me want to urge people to read Black Beauty by Anne Sewell!!!

Maybe you will learn how to treat animals right reading it.

Oh, maybe no.

You are just too fashionable to read such thing. Or anything.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


All of them.
Firmly decided.
Get rid of them.

Successfully, so far!
Bravo, bravo.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You know how my heart would be like,
if only I could show it to you?
you said one quiet evening
it would be crater-hearted,
still unhealed,
scarred by past love!!!

And I
Glad you couldn’t show.
even FOC
I don’t want to see it
it’s ugly
I might just watch Ugly Betty all day night





Monday, September 6, 2010


Bah, bayar zakat!
Ramai-ramai bayar zakat.
Sudah kah?

(Nota kaki: Rakaman 2009, sebab 2010 tidak dapat ambil gambar sama Aki Lasim yang antik depan Milimewa Ranau No. 1?)

For God's Sake

For God sake... 25? Get a place of your own. Move out.

Nice advice for a lady, thanks...

Any for the tougher sex?